Yes. It is. There are a number of reasons why dating in London is hard(er). Here’s why:
1. People are not in London for the long haul
London is such a transient City meaning dating and relationships can be très difficile. At least if you're looking for something long-term. People eventually go back to where they came from or they plan to do so and a relationship then isn't 'the right time'.
2. Londoners are already in a relationship... With their career.
Tube, work, dinner, work, sleep, repeat. Londoners work to live. If you start dating someone, you will always and forever be competing with a ridiculous work schedule. Plus, our crazy work/commute hours mean we lack the energy to even notice the hundreds of singles you pass on a daily basis, let alone strike up a conversation with one.
3. Londoners can be unfriendly
I don't mean that we're intentionally unfriendly. BUT when was the last time you said hello to the *hot stuff* you passed on the street? You probably don’t. Because if you dare smile at someone on the tube you are definitely getting a death stare. Comment on something in the Starbucks line and you're just a stalker or weird.
4. London has too many fish...
Having too many options when you're single can be a BAD thing. Why? Simply because we think that there's always going to be someone 'better' lurking further down the bar... Londoners tend to have a 'Trade Up' mentality, be it a job, flat or even a significant other. So 'plenty of fish' isn't necessarily a good thing.
5. ...yet London can be like a goldfish bowl
Once you've settled in an area, be it Fulham or Clapham for arguments sake, you'll come to notice what a small place London can be. You bump into people you know absolutely everywhere and by some miracle that [great] new person that you just meet has invariably slept with your roommate.
6. All the good ones are gone
Ok, this is not a just a London issue and I know it sounds like something that sad lonely people say but in actual fact it may very well be the truest thing ever said.
7. Londoners can be quite selfish
I don't mean that in a negative way. The reality is that Londoners make big sacrifices. We get up at 5am to be crushed against the great-unwashed and leave the office at 9pm all to pay our ridiculous rent. We sacrifice our living standards & personal space to live in a decent zone. So it's no wonder that we get sick of sacrificing, become all 'Me, Me, Me!' & genuinely just want our alone time. A bottle of wine and Sky HD – who wanted a partner anyway?!
8. Tinder
I'm not bashing the app, but it is symptomatic of why dating is so difficult in this town. We are a spoilt and transient people who get bored easily - swipe. A conversation you say – swipe. Not groomed enough I sigh – swipe. Is this what true love is made of!?
9. London has too many distractions
London is a fabulous City full of so much to do. SO MUCH TO DO! Who has the time to see any of the latest exhibitions or concerts AND date? Nah.
(Niet) daten in Londen?